Cranchi T43 EcoTrawler – 416Wp SP series
At anchor, the Cranchi T43 EcoTrawler’s electrical system is powered by a 416Wp solar array integrated into the flybridge.
Archive of installations using Solbianflex panels on motor yachts and motor boats. See examples for custom-made solutions in the motoryacht sector.
At anchor, the Cranchi T43 EcoTrawler’s electrical system is powered by a 416Wp solar array integrated into the flybridge.
The canopy of this motor yacht was equipped with a 203Wp solar system. Zippers and velcro ensure high wind resistance and quick installation.
Jeanneau NC 37 motoryacht featuring a roof-integrated custom-made solar system. Up to 430Wp delivering enough energy for electric autonomy.
Alfastreet 23e cabin electric featuring a 430Wp Solbianflex SXX solar system. Charges the 48V battery for unlimited emission-free cruising.
Jeanneau NC 33 with custom-made 462Wp solar system. Three synchronized MPP trackers and 12 bypass diodes ensure maximum shade tolerance.
The Randle is a 22m river boat which can be booked for luxury cruises. 528Wp Solbianflex panels with white pigmentation provide green energy.
Electric dinghy with custom-made seat featuring a 39Wp Solbianflex SP panel which charges the EPropulsion Spirit 1.0 Plus outboard engine.